
This blog is supposed to be, as much as I can, my daily journey through life as a Christian. I hope it to be my thoughts and feelings on life but be as grounded in the Christian message as it can. My intention is not to create a daily readings or bible study guide but to look at my life in terms of a Christian trying to find and follow God's mission using his Life User's Manuel AKA the Bible.

Matthew 10 19-20

And don't you worry about what you'll say or how you'll say it. The right words will be there; the Spirit of your Father will supply the words. - Matthew 10 19-20

Tuesday, October 05, 2010

Shut up... Shut off... Shut out...

Psalm 46:10 (TSB)
Shut up... Shut off... Shut out...
and in the silence... sense God!

As people who have been following this blog will know I have been reading the Street Bible (or as it is now known "The Word On The Street"). I have been trying to finish it for a little while but things seem to be against me and so far I have only reached the Psalms. I don't want to review it yet as I have not even finished it. I think I will review it in two parts first the Old Testament then the New Testament as I finish them.

So anyway as I was reading through my copy of the Street Bible the other day I came across this verse. It was one of those moments that just absolutely stops you in your tracks, like a kick to the chest. It made me really think about my life recently. I have had so much to do, so many chores and I have been running from pillar to post trying to do this and that. In addition I have begun a new job as well as gallivanting around the country visiting people. So when I found time to sit down and spend time reading this paraphrase it was quite striking.

Part of the reason I use the Message as much as I do is because I find it easy to read, easy to understand and I feel I hear God's voice clearest through it. A number of times while reading the Message in my daily studies I have stumbled across a passage that has hit me in a powerful way. I have become somewhat hooked on using the Message, sometimes in a detrimental way due to my lack of follow up in other translations. Because of this the message I found in the verse above was that bit more powerful.

In the midst of all the hustle and bustle in my life, while reading a paraphrase I was sure I would get nothing out of, God spoke to me. He chose that moment to say "Sam, stop, be still and just connect with me". It wasn't listen to me or talk to me, it was be with me, connect with me. It is something that I can forget about the relationship we should have with God, it is just that, a relationship. It is not a conversation, although that is an important aspect, it is a relationship. Sometimes that means we need to just spend time with God. We may not have anything we want to say to God and He may not be talking to you just then, but why does that mean we should not spend time with Him. I know that all good relationships are built on communication, and the best are built on regular clear communication. But some of my happiest times spent with the people I have loved most have been just time spent in each others company, why should it be any different with God.

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