
This blog is supposed to be, as much as I can, my daily journey through life as a Christian. I hope it to be my thoughts and feelings on life but be as grounded in the Christian message as it can. My intention is not to create a daily readings or bible study guide but to look at my life in terms of a Christian trying to find and follow God's mission using his Life User's Manuel AKA the Bible.

Matthew 10 19-20

And don't you worry about what you'll say or how you'll say it. The right words will be there; the Spirit of your Father will supply the words. - Matthew 10 19-20

Saturday, December 04, 2010

Advent Challenge Day 4

This challenge is now complete, please feel free to browse all of the 
completed tasks via the Advent Challenge tab.

So yesterday it was chosen that the task I would have to complete would be to bake some Christmas treats. Now baking is not normally my thing, I am quite a good cook, but sweets and desserts are not something I am a big fan of and so I never really learned to bake. Despite this I had a thought and settled on cookies, nice, simple and everyone loves cookies.

I say all this but what I have left out so far is that this all happened at 11.30pm last night. So while I did bake yesterday I did not manage to give them away yesterday. The reason for this was that due to the weather everything I had planned yesterday took a lot longer than normal and the youth club I help with was cancelled which was where I was going to give away the cookies. However all is not lost, I am at my Godson's birthday party today and I intend on taking the cookies I baked there to give away and so finish my task.

This is the closest I have come to not completing a task and I have to say I did consider letting it go down as a fail. But I could never entertain that idea for long because the commitment I have made to this task is not a big one and the challenges are not hard and so despite turning the oven on at 11.30pm I was determined to complete the task as best I could in the circumstances.

The next task which I will be doing today I have chosen myself. As today I am celebrating my Godson's first birthday I will be doing task number 1. Read the Christmas story. Please check back tomorrow to read about how this task goes and find out which challenge will be selected for day 5 of the challenge. Have a great day today guys and Merry Christmas.

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