
This blog is supposed to be, as much as I can, my daily journey through life as a Christian. I hope it to be my thoughts and feelings on life but be as grounded in the Christian message as it can. My intention is not to create a daily readings or bible study guide but to look at my life in terms of a Christian trying to find and follow God's mission using his Life User's Manuel AKA the Bible.

Matthew 10 19-20

And don't you worry about what you'll say or how you'll say it. The right words will be there; the Spirit of your Father will supply the words. - Matthew 10 19-20

Friday, September 10, 2010

Self reflection - Where are you at

It was my birthday last weekend and therefore this week comes one of my regular rituals. I have been looking back at my life, specifically the last year and everything that has happened. Self reflection is something I do on a regular basis but just after my birthday is the BIG one of the year where I look back at my note books, thoughts and feelings for the last year. I use this opportunity to look at which aspects of my life are causing the biggest problems in each aspect of my life and what I can do to change them. This is the first year though that I have done this as a professing Christian, and because of that it has been somewhat different to usual. Instead of the usual thoughts of what do I like about my life and how do I want to change. I have been looking at which aspects of my life do not fit with the Christian message and the quest to be Christlike. I have been looking at which areas of my life would be upsetting to God. It is not all negative though, I have also been looking at where I have been doing the right thing and how I can grow and strengthen these areas of my life. In all it has been an interesting experience compared to previous glances back at and into my life. Its interesting for me to see how certain events have helped to shape and grow my love for Jesus and the faith I have in him. My confidence in my religion has rocketed to the point where it is as much a part of who I am as anything in my life. Where in the past I would avoid speaking about my faith I do so on a regular basis now. I am not afraid to be openly Christian in a way that would have been uncomfortable for me in the past. There are other parts to this that include my relationships with friends and family and so on which I will not bore you with. I would just like to finish with a challenge to anyone reading this. How closely have you looked at your life? Is it everything you want it to be? Is it everything that it should be? If you ask yourself these questions, which isn't easy, and do not like the answers then what will you do about it? We have a guide who leads us in life and in order to ensure we do not stray we must stop, listen and take note of what He is saying to us. If we are faltering or straying we must ask ourselves why and how do we get back on track.

1 Corinthian 4:15
    There are a lot of people around who can't wait to tell you what you've done wrong, but there aren't many fathers willing to take the time and effort to help you grow up. It was as Jesus helped me proclaim God's Message to you that I became your father.  

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